汽車數位萬用表-Fluke 88V
Fluke 88 V 系列是 88系列的換代產品。關於Fluke 88系列的資訊,請 點擊這裡 新型的Fluke 88V系列汽車診斷萬用表進一步提高的測量功能和排障功能即準確度,可以解決傳統汽車和混和動力汽車的更多故障。 Fluke 88V系列的工作方式非常類似於88系列,但是解決問題的功能更強大、更加安全、便利,並具有更強的防碰撞功能。
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0.1 % 直流準確度
電流測量高達10 A,20 A為長達30秒
Millisecond pulse width measurements for fuel injectors
Optional magnetic hanger allows meter to attach to the vehicle and free your hands for other tasks
Relative mode to remove test lead resistance from low ohms measurements
Autohold™ to capture stable readings with only one touch of the leads
Large display digits and two-level bright white backlight for increased visibility
Analog bargraph to track changing or unstable signals
Input Alert provides audible warning against wrong use of input jacks
Access door for fast battery changes without opening up the case
10 meg ohm input impedance won’t damage computer circuits